Tuesday through Saturday
Noon until Four

Custom Picture Framing and Much More
50+ years of framing experience
Located on Hertel since 1982
10/11/23 UPDATE
I have to admit I may just be getting old. Since breaking my foot and cutting back my hours, I can’t seem to return to the old hours, at least not quite yet. Shop hours are still abbreviated to noon to four, Tuesday through Saturday. I am also available for appointments should that prove more convenient for you. It was a year and a half ago that I broke my foot, and four years since my hip replacement. I am walking kinda crooked these days but still framing!
Mama Lucy had a few adventures since my last update, especially in that snowstorm last winter. She remains well-fed and is always begging for more. (Once a feral, always a feral.)
Framing projects and repair work is being accomplished. I always seem to have a huge backlog but things are progressing, albeit slowly. The supply chain is getting better but stocking is still slow at most of my suppliers..
The best (and only) way to contact me is to make an actual old-fashioned phone call. And leave a message – I listen to them and return calls! 716-832-3900. I do not have a smart phone; I do not text. (If I had Internet at the shop I would never get any framing done.)
If you need to reach me, you can find me on Facebook:
We talk with people – we listen to people – we frame and fix “stuff” for people. Bring us a challenge – we think we can do anything! (You may think I am using the “royal we” but there are two of us in the shop – Mar and Mama Lucy the rescued kitty! Mar does all the work – Mama Lucy observes, meows constantly, and happily accepts treats.)
We proudly present a kaleidoscope of our services: outstanding custom picture framing (matting, frame repair, glass replacement, needlework, and shadowboxes, etc), and the meticulous repair of an infinite variety of your precious personal artifacts.
If you have some time, check out my Facebook page. Have fun looking through the many albums of photos of framing and restoration projects (plus a lot of pictures of the gorgeous Mama Lucy, who is now known as the tubby tortie). Give us a Like, thanks! To contact State of the Art, please leave a message on this Facebook page. Your message will be answered as soon as Facebook deigns to show it to me. You can also phone (716-832-3900) and leave a voice message on my old-fashioned answering machine (on my copper-wired land line).
State of the Art
1781 Hertel Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14216
“We may not be big but we’re small.”
(Thank you and RIP Stuart McLean)
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